learn something new today.. (^^)/
Today was the Metode Kuantitatif exam, and yet tomorrow is the last day of the exam..
and the subject was KIP, the easy one.. yippie~~ can sleep enough from tomorrow!! (^^)/
Anyway, i really upset with the Service from Sharp cause when i called them yesterday and make appointment with their technician for fixed my Air Condt and the woman that talked to me said that if the technician couldn't came yesterday then they'd came today.. and after i done my exam well, i go to my place earlier before that i went to got a lunch first.. and they didn't picked up my phone for at least 30minutes.. huff. :( finally they made a sounds so i talked to a woman (dunno it's a same woman or not), and i asked her 'when the technician came to my place?' cause my room was getting hot nowadays.. (with polite sounds of course). Then, she asked to wait for a second/minute.. And finally, the technicians couldn't came to my place today cause of their busy and had tight time for service the other customer from yesterday. and i said to the woman, can you help me please cause i don't have anything to make my room cold.. And she said, she'll help me but there're no technician who had a free time now and asked me for wait till tomorrow.. So, i said 'OK'.. but, tomorrow they will came to my place right..?? Cause a woman that had talk to me yesterday said that, today the technician could came to my place. And she promise to done what i asked. Thank you.. :(and the subject was KIP, the easy one.. yippie~~ can sleep enough from tomorrow!! (^^)/
That's what i talked to her..
In fact, nowadays i don't have enough time for sleep well.. besides of my mid-exam and it cause of my Air Condt. too.. really really felt badly for several days.. hmm, but still want to be a TOUGH one.. hehe. :D
There are many problems that i got nowadays, and i felt so suffered and hurts.. which is the problems with my parents, with my boy and with my friends.. They even don't want to heard me seriously and clearly.. They always cut off what i talked. And thinks that i am the one who had the faults. Never want to know me more and make the acquaintance of me better. I felt like someone who didn't have anyone beside me.. Hey, you people.. Open your eyes, if you didn't known what the problems are, then never JUDGES it as you know it better than me.. Although, u won't to heard me, heard your heart and your blind eyes would know what it is.. I hate being JUDGES, and I never want to JUDGES anyone cause i know how hurts it is when people JUDGED you about your (NOT) fault!!
Generally, when i got these problems i know there is someone who always beside me and never leave me alone. and that is him, Hendy.. But, for this time he made me hurts again for the fools things that he'd done..
tired of these all, and almost tired to live this life.. cause i never felt pessimistic before, but in these case i can't stand up clearly alone by myself.. i really really need someone to supported on and lean on.
Ok, never want to feels badly much..
Today, in the evening..
I went to looking for a restaurant with hendy. That's for me to know what best restaurant to celebrate my b'day with my gud friends which is suitable for my budget.. cause i know, my family got difficult fund statement nowadays because of the World's Global Crisis.
And in fact, the restaurant that i have browsed before was closed. it would made me scored out one restaurant's list.
Still looking for the nice Restaurant around there, and we found one "Nasi Daun". Interest? We just already hungry so we chose to eat in there. Hmm, all of it was nice but the dozen is so small and wouldn't make my friends full later.. Finished, and we continued our journey to my first destination. Going to TA for bought some cosmetics, especially the foundation one.. And when i want to change my usual cosmetics from Maybelline to Ultima so i went to the Ultima II section and asked for the foundation and talk about my 'freak pimples'..
Before that, i have bought Ultima's Pressed Powder before but it didn't works better and it make me look alike a weird one. And unfortunately, i have done some fault when i make up.. I know that i ussualy used a thick make up for my face, cause i never have a confidence about my face (there're pimples). And the SPG's asked me to sit down and she would make up my face after she cleaned my face first.. She teach me how to applied those variant make up and what it used for.. and cipirilliiiiiiiii~~~~~~ i got my face more light in weight than ever before i done make up by myself.. and it looks like more natural more than ever.. Actually, there are many people that have some protest to me for got a natural make up one.. and here it would be now..
i have learn something today! learn about make up and how to count my money better than always..
and now, should be my time to sleep.. hoahmm.. hope i can sleep well through.. nitez all.. GBU always.. (^^)/
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