hectic assignments days and Anniversary ♥ day...
hello, sorry been so long didn't update my blog..
it's not because i've been slacking too much, it's because the ASSIGNMENTS that would kill me immediately. i thought it will ended soon but, it's getting more and more... *speechless* :'(
and seriously i think my lecturer's have no heart, maybe they think that we are a robot so we can handle their assignments as much as they want us to do.
i've got three big projects (Programming "Java" 2, Entrepreneurship and Project Management), since all of them were a Final Assignments on this semester, it needs a lot of hard works..
and there are lots of another assignments, each from all 6 subjects that i got this semester.
ohh, i'm gonna be crazy soon... or my head gonna explode asap..... X(
ohh yaa, lemme say "HAPPY BELATED NEW YEAR" to all of you...
All the best wishes to all of us, hope that we will be better and may GOD always be with us forever and ever..
sorry for being so late but, better late than never.....
in fact, after a short chrismast and new year's holiday i really have no time to being lazy and go crazy to have fun since it's like my life was for doing the assignments war or i'll die. as a result of it, i only have little times (less than 5 hours) to sleep at everyday-night, morning actually. it ends by the pandas eyes of mine getting darker. huff. :((
and finally now, i have these minute to update my blog and say "Hi"! to all of you..
the projects and assignments was over, the last was over today and at monday i'll have the first test, it's Programming Java 2 Lab's test.
Hope i'll pass the test well with a very good score. *pray pray* amien. ;D
hmm, anyway besides of all the go to hell assignments i have a good news too, especially a good event that happens on me at this busy-crazy month.
on January 14, 2011 was a 3rd Anniversary of me and him..
surely time flies so fast, since it's already been 3 years and more we've been together..
first as a friend on the first half of year and after that as a couple-mate till these seconds.
lots of feeling that we have shared. happiness, sadness, loneliness, togetherness, bleakness, gratefulness, blessings and everything.....
and i hope everything in our relationship's always gonna be alright and be blessed by GOD.
♥ 14.01.2008 - 14.01.2011 ♥

"the most favourite photo of us"
this pic taken over a year ago, on 21 December, 2009.
lemme tell you about our anniversary day that day..
we thought that everything's gonna be alright and went well that day, until someone sms-ed hendy and told that they'd to met up that day at 1 pm since it's the customer who might bought the ipod touch 4th gen 32Gb (we have an online shop that sells various goods for sale, such as gadget and fashion items). he thoughts it might be okay to met up, but because of the crazy traffic jam they finally met up at 3 pm. after that he turns to his home directly to pick his car (the car's at the repair shop before) and then went to my place to picked me up. but, blame to all of the crazy lame traffic jam, he arrived in front of my place at 8.20 pm. so, speechless because what we already known that the dinner's time was almost over.
uhmm, guess what? we arrived at Grand Indonesia at 9.35 pm. yeahh, dinner's time was already over. and the bad news was Takemori, the restaurant which we already picked since a few weeks ago already 'last ordered', means closed. hell no! X((
then we went around the 3rd and 5th floor where's the foods store area in. and finally we found Marche (usually closed at 11.30 pm), actually we ever picked this restaurant as the restaurant that we gonna spent our anniversary's dinner at.
but since i'm in mood of having asian food nowadays, so we decided to go to a chinese, japanese or korean restaurant.
at least, finally here we are.. Thanks GOD! ;D
let the pictures tell you...
*beware there are gonna lots of photos ahead.. :P
- Ice Swiss Chocolate Gourmet (Shendy) and Ice Chococino (Hendy) -
- Cream of Mushroom Soup with Sliced Bread (appetizer) and Dark Chocolate Mousse with Chocochip (dessert glass) -
- Main Course: Chicken Skewer with Baked Potato (Hendy) and Black Angus Tenderloin Steak with Potato Gratin, Salmon (Shendy) -
- after from had dinner, go to the carpark and blown the candle on the anniv cake -
- swapped the anniv gifts (santa cruz men fader, crocs and sweet serendipity, charles & keith) and show off the greetings cards -
about Marche, i kinda satisfied with this swiss food resto. it has an unique concept yet comfy.
they served us very kind and friendly. but, a bit pricey too.
since the total amount of our dinner was $49.85 (in rupiahs Rp 498.500,-)
yahh, of course he's the one who payed. but, still... pity him~ (^^ ")a
what i love the most is the cream of mushroom soup with sliced bread.
the taste of the soup was so RICH and about the butter that brought with sliced bread was TOP!
overall, i gave them 4 (****) star rates. ;P
by the way, since i'm chinese i do celebrating Chinese New Year.
CNY this year is on February 3, 2011.
So, it upsets me a lot! Yeahh, how can it be to have final tests on CNY's moment..? X(
Chinese people usually do dinner at CNY's night with all of the family's member.
and the s*cks thing's i have a test on February 2 that will finish at 5 pm.
because of that i'll running to my house by a cab after that test. huff. :(
hopes everything's gonna be alright, there's no more crazy traffic jam especially at CNY's night.. *wishing*
well, that's it for now. will update my blog soon, very soon.
surely after the final test' ended on February 11, 2011. ciao~ (^^)/
Labels: 3rd anniversary, assignments, chinese new year, couple, dinner, holiday, late, love, tests
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